Tag Archives: Daily Prompts

That was me once !


Tell us about a time when you flew into a rage. What is it that made you so incredibly angry?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us RAGE.

Today’s topic 🙂 Thanks Allah i have not missed this one, because i really liked it.

I have gone through many phases of life, so many transitions; even my whole look is different in different phases that anyone can be surprised if they look my pictures of different age. (I think we all have this same opinion :p)

There were so many times in my life when i behaved like a mad person, i spent most of my teenage life alone, though i had so many friends and my family also loved me a lot but i always wandered in imaginations, to be a doctor one day , to be a singer like Britteny spears 😛 , i practice to sing daily, to be a great achiever someday. My teenage life was full of imagination . inspirations and ultimately i stayed alone most of the time. During this time i somehow get detached from my friends and family which i realized lately and then for a certain period of time i lived a spoiled life which was self created obviously.

There are so many memories but really i don’t want to share them here , as i don’t want to spread madness around. Memories that hurts should be buried but don’t forget the LESSON.

Thanks Allah i recovered safely and EARLY … hehehe 🙂

Anyway, I have this picture which can show my one phase of life. My youngest sister had drawn this and pasted this on the door of my bedroom 😀 ..




My Life Partner !

Daily Prompt: My Precious

Who is the person in your life who can do no wrong? Describe this person and tell us why you hold them in such high esteem.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us PRECIOUS.


Though i have so many peoples in my life who are so precious to me, my whole family specially my parents , they have never done anything wrong with me, they can never think about it but if i have to discuss about THE ONE who is always with me and can never hurt me is my “life partner”.


We have been married since three years and gone through many situations, we adopted and changed so many habits for each other, Our life style was different and we still have different opinions about so many things which i hate also, but he always remain close to hold me with all of his love and respect.

He Makes me Fly high and makes me feel like heaven on earth.

He gives me respect and care , even he knows my every bad. He is my mirror.


May Allah bless him always and May Allah keep us together always , ameen


I am not Lost


In life we faces so many changes and gone through so many transitions, so many phases that seems unbelievable for us to face and handle, but some how we do, we all do! Happily or sadly.. we have to…

Birth to death… black to white… day to night… childhood to elderly… 1000’s of losses… many of us resist all these shocks , few could not manage to live their life as they were living before , and few loses themselves after their lost. They just lose their hopes and urge to live life.

I have faced many hard times also when i have to give up or let go or lose, but manage to survive all. After every loss i sit alone for a while and think what really happens? what went wrong?  Am i not good enough to have this ? …. but after hours, days, weeks , or sometimes months i stand up again with all the strength and hope.

One of the recent loss was my miscarriage. First time , it was like hell, burning my soul , i was all broken up , because we were so happy , but we could not make it. It took me a month to realize that Allah has something better for me. Allah then my husband, and my family supported me and i realize things gradually. I hope and pray that we ( me and my husband ) will have this blessing one day.

All i believe in is, Love, that brings care, respect, support , kindness, and will power. Love gives me strength to live and live happily.

Thanks Allah for all his blessings.

I love this picture and have this on my office desktop for many days. I want to share it here.


~Evanescence ~



I had waited long for you

I burned my soul in fire

The fire of love and passion

This glows for you, day and night


You hear the whisper of your mind

Murdered my heart, killed my pride

I fright, but I tried,

I cried, but I tried,

But it does not make things alright


I put my soul in the fire

Keeping all the love aside

I may seem alive but I m dead inside

I am taking my soul to the sky


One day, you will feel the heat

One day, you will cry

You will hear my whisper

Insane you will cry


I will disappear

Like a smoke, I will fade

Like an ash, I will leave no Trace



All gone leaving ONE !


What a topic today !!

Tell us about a time you found out after the fact that you’d been mistaken and you had to eat a serving of humble pie.

Really its soul shaken…

33 Years of my Life , i wanted to become a person who pray 5 times a day , who recite Quran daily , Who speak true and deny every lie and false. Who lives a life – like a True Muslim. Sometimes i perform all the basic practices of Islam and sometimes i fail. But thanks Allah, that HE Almighty Allah is the most kind and helpful for us, prefer our judgment on OUR DEALING WITH HUMAN BEINGS rather than Preaching HIM only. Namaz (Prayer 5 times a day), Fasting, Reciting Quran only are not enough to be a MUSLIM.

But sad – very sad, I am neither a PERFECT HUMAN nor MUSLIM.

There is a list of such Moments when I felt I was mistaken. But Thanks Allah none of them was so serious or damaging that makes me feel regret still. They were all the mistakes which a learner can done while learning the lesson which life has to taught us.

One such regrets I have which is not painful now because it makes us (I and my sister) laugh NOW. I remember when I was 16 years old , My eldest sister was 10 years old , she gifted me a Dark Brown bear with a pen on my birthday (First time ever), and bought the same for herself which was White in color and more cute than brown. I took the gift and said; “You bring better for yourself I don’t need this gift and thrown it away” She gets angry and may be hurt also said: “I gifted this bear to you because I liked it for you’’ … She lefts in anger and I realized what I have done!! …….. It was BAD until I make things better again with my sister.

One day, I had a hard talk on some issue with my mother and I left home in early morning for work without having breakfast which she made for me and I hit the door hard and left. But all the way to factory and then during work I was ashamed of my act and I didn’t concentrate on work at all. I was guilty on my behavior, I came back home and sit with my mother, didn’t said sorry but she knew I m sorry and she smiled. Mothers are blessings and May Allah blesses all mothers.

And a list like these goes on….. But I am lucky that I m blessed with everyone love and respect even I sometime don’t deserve.

I believe, we stop regretting the moment as soon as we apologize and forgiven by the person who we hurt the most in the whole situation.

But yes I still have one, why I didn’t met My Husband in a very early age. I can be a very better person if I get marry with him when I was 20. I know after marrying him I am a much better human being.


Thanks Allah for all his blessing HE showers on me always.
