Tag Archives: rage

That was me once !


Tell us about a time when you flew into a rage. What is it that made you so incredibly angry?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us RAGE.

Today’s topic 🙂 Thanks Allah i have not missed this one, because i really liked it.

I have gone through many phases of life, so many transitions; even my whole look is different in different phases that anyone can be surprised if they look my pictures of different age. (I think we all have this same opinion :p)

There were so many times in my life when i behaved like a mad person, i spent most of my teenage life alone, though i had so many friends and my family also loved me a lot but i always wandered in imaginations, to be a doctor one day , to be a singer like Britteny spears 😛 , i practice to sing daily, to be a great achiever someday. My teenage life was full of imagination . inspirations and ultimately i stayed alone most of the time. During this time i somehow get detached from my friends and family which i realized lately and then for a certain period of time i lived a spoiled life which was self created obviously.

There are so many memories but really i don’t want to share them here , as i don’t want to spread madness around. Memories that hurts should be buried but don’t forget the LESSON.

Thanks Allah i recovered safely and EARLY … hehehe 🙂

Anyway, I have this picture which can show my one phase of life. My youngest sister had drawn this and pasted this on the door of my bedroom 😀 ..


