

There were so many times things which were seemed to be under control and were able to achieve successfully, and they just collapsed. In Personal life, work life, health or emotional issues, etc. I was so close to finally fulfill my dream or wish but Fails.

I looked for reasons and any error or mistake but never realized them at that time, though when things moves on and times passes by, the past lost is clearly understood.

All the reasons…Efforts…Error’s… Mistakes…Why…When…What… I understood everything.

We all have this experience that we did our best for certain tasks and it seems that there are no errors but Allah knows that this particular matter or thing is not right for us right now. We think, plan and work hard but then we fails, why? There must be a power which is much much much bigger than our thoughts, plans and efforts. I believe in ALLAH more and more when I fail.


 The Quran 39:52
Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of all affairs.

Whatever you lost through fate, be certain that it saved you from the pain.- Quote by Rumi


Allah will shower all his blessings on us on the right time and right place. InshaAllah. We, must pray and must not stop our efforts and hard work, this is the best thing we can do.