Trip to Azad Kashmir


I remember it was an Eid day and my in laws family went to their village for celebration, me and Mujeeb ( My husband) stayed at home because i am not so comfortable in spending nights in village, due to lack of attached washroom and extra ordinary silence and darkness. My in laws extend there stay at village which was unexpected for me, and it turned me sad that we have to stay alone at home for more days. Anyway when they return back on Eid third day, i was bit sad and to get rid from my sadness my husband suddenly planned for Azad Kashmir. He called his friend and ask him to come along, His wife and 1 year old son had also accompany us in that trip.

It was a very sudden and bold decision because going to Azad Kashmir from Lahore isn’t so easy, and on vehicle like Mehran, Suzuki, it is quite hard to drive on mountains. On the other hand i was really excited and happy as my husband planned this whole trip just because of my smile 🙂

We all have a wonderful time during this trip . we also faced very hard moments due to our vehicle and because of harsh weather. We went to Islamabad first – Taxilla- Muzafrabad Azad Kashmir – Neelam valley – and then back to Muzafrabad – Muree – Islamabad – Rohtas ( Deena) and then Lahore .

The most adventurous and breath taking moment was when we were moving up to Neelam Valley and our car slipped back, it was a horrifying moment but we have to reach on the top of the mountain, because it was getting dark and we were in the middle of mountain. We were also out of fuel. Here have a look of that slop from where our car slipped.







We managed to reach up here by so much effort, i placed a large piece of rock behind the back wheel of car whenever it start slipping. By Allah’s help we managed to reach on the top.



This was my most memorable journey and holiday. I wish i could go to this beautiful place again 🙂

13 responses »

  1. Pingback: To All a Good Night For A Bit Of Christmas Cheer | Kansa Muse

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Memories of Holidays past | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  3. Pingback: Once an Eid day | A mom's blog

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  5. Beautiful pictures! I have also traveled many times Kashmir and enjoyed its beauty. The Pamir Mountains are a mountain range partially in Pakistan formed by the junction of the Himalayas with Tian Shan, Karakoram, Kunlun, and Hindu Kush ranges. They are among the world’s highest mountains, and since Victorian times, they have been known as the “Roof of the World”, presumably a translation from Persian.

  6. Sister Afsheen! you were traveling near the Roof of the World! It is a metaphoric description of the highest region in the world. The name was first applied to the Pamirs. The British explorer John Wood, writing in 1838, described Bam-i-Duniah (Roof of the World) as a “native expression” (presumably Wakhi), and it was generally used for the Pamirs in Victorian times: In 1876 another British traveler, Sir Thomas Edward Gordon, employed it as the title of a book and wrote in Chapter IX:
    “We were now about to cross the famous ‘Bam-i-dunya’,’The Roof of the World’ under which name the elevated region of the hitherto comparatively unknown Pamir tracts had long appeared in our maps. Wood, in 1838, was the first European traveller of modem times to visit the Great Pamir,”. Reference: Sir Thomas Edward Gordon, The Roof of the World: being a narrative of a journey over the high plateau of Tibet to the Russian frontier and the Oxus sources on Pamir, Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1876.

  7. Pingback: That Christmas Morning | Edward Hotspur

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